If You Want to Know More

Rangers will answer your questions if they can. You can learn a great deal about the Park from campfire programs and conducted walks, and from the exhibits in the two Visitor Centers.

For more detailed information on a specific subject, you'll need a book. The Shenandoah National Park Association [ed. formerly the Shenandoah Natural History Association] is a non-profit organization. It sells books at Dickey Ridge Visitor Center (Mile 4.6), and at Byrd Visitor Center (Mile 51.0). The "profits" are used to publish other needed books, to pay for the color slides that are used in the campfire programs, to buy audiovisual equipment, etc.

I've already listed the books that apply to the subjects I've discussed. Here are some others:

Shenandoah, the Story Behind the Scenery, by Hugh Crandall. Photographs by William Bake, Jr. 48 pages. Crandall covers about the same range of subjects that I've dealt with in this book up to now, but more concisely. The color photographs are beautiful.

The Earth-Man Story, by Darwin Lambert. 200 pages. This is not science fiction, as the title might suggest, but a Shenandoah-based study of man and his environment. This book is so packed with information and ideas that it's not easy reading, but it will repay whatever time you put into it. Black-and-white photographs.

Herbert Hoover's Hideaway, by Darwin Lambert. 143 pages. This is the story of President Hoover's summer retreat at the head of the Rapidan River. (Camp Hoover is now a part of the Park; it's a fairly easy hike from Milam Gap, Mile 52.8). Black-and-white photographs.

Shenandoah Heritage, by Carolyn and Jack Reeder. 87 pages. A brief account of some of the mountain people, based largely on interviews, Park documents, and PATC records. Black-and-white photos.

Skyland, by George Freeman Pollock. 283 pages. Reminiscences of the founder and owner of the Skyland resort. Black-and-white photographs.

Undying Past of Shenandoah National Park, by Darwin Lambert. 330 pages. The most complete history of the Park.

Lost Trails and Forgotten People, by Tom Floyd. 152 pages. Life on Jones Mountain before the Park was created.

Shenandoah Secrets, by Carolyn and Jack Reeder. 184 pages. More historical data of the areas that are now within the Park's boundaries.

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© Copyright 1997 Antony Heatwole, All rights reserved