A Note from the Publisher

On September 20, 1989 Henry Heatwole passed away. Since the first edition of this book in 1978, Henry strove to keep the information and maps as accurate as possible. His commitment to this publication and to the Park was immeasurable. He spent countless hours hiking the trails, reviewing suggestions from the Park staff and his many readers. He re-wrote text and re-drew maps whenever changes were necessary. The Shenandoah Natural History Association dedicates this book to the memory of Henry.

Almost every aspect of the Park is subject to change. For example, new trails are created from time to time, and others abandoned. Rules for visitor use will change to reflect changing conditions. The state of trail maintenance, vista clearing at the overlooks, and facilities available in winter, will depend on money and personnel available.

The information in this edition of Guide to Shenandoah was as accurate as possible when the book went to press. Nevertheless, some trails and Park policies will have changed before you read this. Never hesitate to ask a Park Ranger for up-to-the-minute information. If you should find an error in this book, we hope you'll write to:

    Shenandoah Natural History Association*
    3655 US Highway 211 East
    Luray, Virginia 22835

We'll answer your letter if we can. In any case, your suggestion will be carefully considered the next time the book is revised.

[Note: The Shenandoah Natural History Association is now called the Shenandoah National Park Association, SNPA. SNPA no longer publishes the Guide. See Preface.]

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© Copyright 1997 Antony Heatwole, All rights reserved